Republican Originalist Caucus

The Original Republican Party was formed as a counter to the Federalist Party and what many believed was an attempt by money changers to hijack the federal government from The People.

Though the Federalist Party attempted to label this new party “Democratic-Republicans,” linking them to the violence of the French Revolution, the Original Republican Party was the party of small government, Localized Power, States Rights, Non-Interventionism, and a strict, as~it~is~written interpretation of the Constitution.

When special interests took over the wheel of governance under John Adams our new Nation drifted slowly toward becoming the centralized power our Founders so valiantly fought against. Now we understand Thomas Jefferson and the Original Republican Party of 1792 were correct; centralized banking, top heavy government, and a lose interpretation of the Constitution lead us astray from the Individual Liberty and Local Sovereignty the Founders risked their lives to secure.

The Original Republican Party defended the Individual from the encroachment of corporations and centralized power upon their Natural, God Given Rights. Today we see a different Republican Party. One that defends the interests of corporations and centralized power against the encroachment of the Constitutional Rights of The People.

Establishment-republicans consistently vote against the will and prosperity of their constituents. Their goals are entirely focused on protecting special interests. They carry out the will of those hostile to our Party and our People. Establishment-republicans fumble every chance they get to hold democrats accountable for corruption and criminal acts while in office. Establishment-republicans, fail to enact our party platform even when they have a majority. Establishment-republicans allow democrats to walk on them, their constituents, our flag, the Sacrifices of our Veterans, and the Constitutional Rights of The People.

We the Members of the Republican Party form this Caucus, The Republican Originalist Caucus; to organize the growing numbers of disillusioned and disenfranchised Republican voters, to establish proper representation of The People, to properly educate American’s in their Constitutional Rights, to reform the Local, State, and federal governments into compliance with the Constitution, and to rebuild our communities from the disastrous uni-party politics that continue to destroy the Peace and Prosperity of Our United States.


I.       We adopt an ORIGINALIST interpretation of the Constitution. ALL powers not SPECIFICALLY delegated to the federal government are reserved for the States and The People.

II.      We adopt an America First policy in all matters of spending, defense, and aid.

III.     We adopt a policy of Restoring National Sovereignty through; closing borders, mass deportations of non-citizens, exiting international treaties that do not directly benefit The People of the United States, restoring our goods production/ exportation, restoring our energy production/ exportation, and SEVERELY slashing foreign aid.

IV.     We adopt a policy of Financial Reformation in our federal government including; slashing useless spending, closing unconstitutional departments/ agencies, and ending regulatory capture.

V.      We adopt a policy of Non-Interventionism in foreign conflicts. This includes ENDING MOST military aid to foreign nations.


I.       We adopt the original Constitutional relationship between State governments and the federal government. State governments have the authority to govern Individuals per the 9th and 10th amendments. The federal government has authority to govern the States. An all powerful centralized federal government was never the intention of the Founders, not even of the Federalists.

II.      We adopt a policy of Reforming our Education system entirely. Our current system is designed to fail and is producing a lower IQ graduate than the previous generation for the first time.

III.     We adopt a policy of Protecting Children’s Innocence by outlawing sex focused education including; gender identity, homosexual+, performing sex acts, and any other form of curriculum that deviates from the biological, reproductive purpose of sexual intercourse. Furthermore, this policy includes the outlawing of homosexual+ symbols and flags from accredited education and child care facilities. Lastly, this policy will enshrine Parental Rights over their children including their education, medicine, and medical procedures. 

IV.     We adopt a policy of Protecting Women and Girls by outlawing biological males from competing in Female Sports and using female locker areas.

V.      We adopt a policy of Police Reform. This includes; proper funding, proper training, proper recruitment, proper equipment, proper pay, ACCOUNTABILITY, HONOR, INTEGRITY, the destruction of the “good~ole~boy” culture, adoption of a Spirit of the Law operational directive, focusing on violent crime, and a CONSTITUTION FIRST mindset.

VI.     We adopt a policy of Justice System Reform. This includes; ending the for profit prison model, creating rehabilitation focused incarceration, refocusing resources on violent crime and theft and away from the traffic racket, and strict oversight of Courts and Police Departments. To restore faith in our Justice System we must make it accountable by truly holding its Officers to a higher standard.

VII.    We adopt a policy of Election Reform This Includes; clearing the voting rolls every election cycle, registering to vote before every election, paper ballots, outlawing mass mail-in voting, produce ID to vote, same day voting, and a State electoral college that will balance the power between dense city centers and rural areas who have dissimilar needs and desires. 

VIII.   We adopt a policy of Health Reform. This includes; localizing Food and Drug regulation, aligning food ingredient regulations more with Europe, a fitness and nutritional campaign for youth, and constitutional amendments enshrining our Individual Right to medical and dietary autonomy over our bodies.

IX.     We adopt a policy of Regulatory Liberation. This includes; removing regulations that unnecessarily and unconstitutionally hamper businesses and industries, reducing and eliminating local and state fees that are prohibitive or unnecessary, removing barriers for new or existing industries that hamper innovation, and encouraging production of American goods and energy by shielding businesses from Anti-American federal legislation. 

X.     We adopt a policy of Veteran Relief. This includes; ELIMINATING Veteran homelessness, proper healthcare for Veterans especially those suffering from the inadequacy of the VA, career training and placement, and other services to aid Veterans who are in need. Funded entirely by the federal government and managed by the individual State.

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