“All Men and Women are created equal with certain, inalienable Rights. Among those are Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of Happiness….and when governments become destructive to these ends it is our Right and Duty to alter or abolish them.”
Room for ALL who enjoy Peace and Liberty
Honor is not valued in this society. As a result, the health of social interactions has declined. The door has been left open for corruption, greed, and selfishness.
We must live by these Virtues.
The enemy seeks to divide us amongst ourselves, and they have succeeded thus far. We the Individual Members of the Republican party have common interests. We demand less government, safe communities, and the ability to provide a better life for our children than we had.
Yet at every turn “Republican” leaders FAIL to deliver even a single meaningful victory against the democrats. They have FAILED to capitalize on the many mistakes and evidence of crimes the democrats have handed them. The democrats own our “republican leaders.”
As a result of these failures our currency has inflated, our children have been indoctrinated and sexualized, our hard work has been shipped overseas, our voices have been muted and STOLEN, our Rights diminished, our Presidential Nominee has been RAILROADED in blatantly corrupt courts, sweet elderly republican women have been treated like TERRORISTS by our federal government, and our Veterans have been cast aside for an invading army of military aged, incompatible males from around the world.
These failures cannot be tolerated any longer.
1. Unify Republican Voters
2. Get ROC candidates elected
3. Pass America First legislation
Join The ROC
Together we are strong. The ROC is a caucus of ACTION! Organize, unify, and deliver Real Victories!
Sponsor Legislation
We have legislation ready for your representatives to introduce. Download our Bills and pass them to your local representative!
Start a Chapter
The ROC needs YOU to organize your local Republicans into an ROC chapter! You can only make a difference if you get in the Arena!